Mentions légales

Conception & développement du site : Vicken
Contact : vicken@vicken.frThe artwork and writings on this site are the exclusive property of Cheyenne Carron.
They are works and are protected as such by all the rules of intellectual property.
Anyone wishing to use the information from this site may be subject to compliance with the following rules:
1) Such use shall be made ​​solely for the purpose of private information and will not be sold, nor rewarded.
2) Any use of material from this website must mention the source by including the above copyright notice on each copy made or after each excerpt.
Linking to pages whose address is and other internal pages of the site is licensed under the cumulative condition that these pages appear in a full page in their respective addresses.
3) Cheyenne Carron must be warned prior to use by simple e-mail with acknowledgment of receipt: fill out the form in Contact trailers. The site editor Cheyenne Carron reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.
All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to Cheyenne Carron.